Publican public methodsThe public methods available in Publican configurations.January 23, 2025426 words, 3-minute read
Front matterHow to define front matter in Publican content files.January 23, 2025745 words, 4-minute read
Content propertiesThe content properties provided to each page rendered by Publican.January 23, 20251,210 words, 7-minute read
Global propertiesThe global jsTACS properties provided on all pages by Publican.January 23, 2025731 words, 4-minute read
Custom event hook functionsHow to create custom functions to add, alter, or remove data when specific build events occur.January 23, 2025700 words, 4-minute read
Custom jsTACS global properties and functionsHow to use Custom configuration optionsJanuary 23, 2025394 words, 2-minute read