Create an RSS feed

767 words, 4-minute read

A Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed is a list of recent articles defined in an XML file. RSS readers or news aggregators allow users to subscribe to an RSS feed so they can be alerted when new content appears. Depending on the feed, they can either navigate to your site or read the post in the application.

RSS feed example #

This site provides an RSS feed at feed.xml. It’s formatted using XSL, but you can view the source to see the XML code.

Define a domain #

Like sitemaps, you must define a domain as a global tacs property in your publican.config.js configuration file.

Create a dateUTC() function #

RSS dates must be output in UTC format such as Tue, 11 Feb 2025 10:05:26 GMT

Add the following functions to lib/format.js if not already defined:


// create a date
function cDate(d) {
  d = new Date(d);
  return +d && !isNaN(d) && d instanceof Date ? d : new Date();

// UTC date format, e.g. "Wed, 1 Jan 2025 07:30:00 GMT"
export function dateUTC( d ) {
  return cDate(d).toUTCString();

The library has already been imported into the publican.config.js configuration file and appended to the tacs.fn.format object so no additional code is required.

Convert relative URLs #

Publican and most other static site generators use relative URLs for links and assets such as images:

<img src="/images/banner.jpg" alt="example">
<p><a href="/about/">About this site</a></p>

instead of absolute references that include the domain:

<img src="" alt="example">
<p><a href="">About this site</a></p>

Relative URLs make the rendered site more portable. It should work anywhere irrespective of the domain, security certificates, server configuration, etc.

RSS specifications do not mention relative links. It’s possible to set an xml:base attribute on the <content> element, but not all RSS readers will understand this:

<content type="html" xml:base="">
  <p><a href="/post/one/">internal link</a></p>

In addition, the W3C Feed Validation Service reports that content should not contain relative URL references.

It’s therefore necessary to locate and change relative to fully-qualified URLs in RSS content. Add the following import and rss() function to the lib/format.js library if not already defined:


import { tacs } from 'publican';

// RSS feed
export function rss( str, domain ) {

  domain = domain || tacs?.config?.domain || '';

    absRegEx = new RegExp(`(\\s(action|cite|data|href|ping|poster|src|srcset)="{0,1})${ tacs.root }`, 'gi'),
    replace = `$1${ domain }${ tacs.root }`;

  return str.trim()
    .replaceAll(/\s*tabindex="*.*?"*>/gi, '>')              // remove tabindexes
    .replaceAll(/\s*<a.*?class="*headlink"*>#<\/a>/gi, '')  // remove headlinks
    .replaceAll(absRegEx, replace);                         // use absolute URLs


The library has already been imported into the publican.config.js configuration file and appended to the tacs.fn.format object so no additional code is required.

Create feed.xml #

A src/content/sitemap.xml file can now be defined. It does not require a template and outputs the ten most recent pages in the news/ content directory where the front matter index value is not false:


index: false
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="${ tacs.root }feed.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:content="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:sy="">
<title>${ tacs.config.title }</title>
<link>${ tacs.config.domain }${ tacs.root }</link>
<atom:link href="${ tacs.config.domain }${ tacs.root }feed.xml" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
<language>${ tacs.config.language }</language>
<description>${ tacs.config.description }</description>
<lastBuildDate>${ tacs.fn.format.dateUTC( tacs.config.buildDate ) }</lastBuildDate>
${ tacs.dir.get('news')
    .filter(p => p.index !== false)
    .sort((a,b) =>
    .slice(0,10).map(p => `
    <title>${ p.title }</title>
    <link>${ tacs.config.domain }${ }</link>
    <guid isPermaLink="true">${ tacs.config.domain }${ }</guid>
    <pubDate>${ tacs.fn.format.dateUTC( ) }</pubDate>
    <dc:creator>${ || }</dc:creator>
    <description>${ p.description }</description>
    ${ tacs.fn.format.rss( p.contentRendered ) }

This creates a feed which is compatible with both RSS and Atom formats.

RSS readers or news aggregators can locate your RSS/Atom feed if you add the following <link> tags to your HTML <head>:

<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="My site"
  href="${ tacs.config.domain }${ tacs.root }feed.xml">
<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="My Site"
  href="${ tacs.config.domain }${ tacs.root }feed.xml">