Create an XML sitemap

453 words, 3-minute read

You can help search engines indexing your site by creating a sitemap. An XML sitemap provides more information than a text sitemap:

built sitemap.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
    <lastmod>Tue, 21 Jan 2025 11:58:53 GMT</lastmod>
    <lastmod>Tue, 21 Jan 2025 11:58:53 GMT</lastmod>
    <lastmod>Thu, 16 Jan 2025 12:32:00 GMT</lastmod>

Define a domain #

Like text sitemaps, you must define a domain as a global tacs property in your publican.config.js configuration file.

Create a dateISO() function #

Last modified dates must be output in YYYY-MM-DD format. The time can also be appended, although it is unlikely to be critical on most sites.

Add the following functions to lib/format.js if not already defined:


// create a date
function cDate(d) {
  d = new Date(d);
  return +d && !isNaN(d) && d instanceof Date ? d : new Date();

// ISO date format, e.g. "2025-01-01"
export function dateISO( d ) {
  return cDate(d).toISOString().slice(0, 10);

The library has already been imported into the publican.config.js configuration file and appended to the tacs.fn.format object so no additional code is required.

Create sitemap.xml #

A src/content/sitemap.xml file can now be defined. It does not require a template and outputs all pages where the front matter index value is not false:


index: false
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
${ ( toArray(tacs.all) ).filter(p => p.index !== false).map(p => `
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
${ ( toArray(tacs.all) ).filter(p => p.index !== false).map(p => `
    <loc>${ tacs.config.domain }${ }</loc>
    <lastmod>${ tacs.fn.format.dateISO( p.modified || ) }</lastmod>
    <changefreq>${ p.index || 'monthly' }</changefreq>
    <priority>${ p.priority }</priority>

Note that <lastmod> allows you to set a custom modified: YYYY-MM-DD value in front matter if you want to specify a post’s last update date instead of the original publication date.

Create robots.txt #

Add your XML sitemap URL to a robots.txt file so search engines can locate it.