Create related page links

646 words, 4-minute read

There are a number of ways to show lists of pages with related content. The following sections describe the process used on this site.

Relevancy scoring #

This site uses an algorithm which assigns a relevancy score to each page when they have:

  1. The same tags

    Each tag has an associated score. The most-used tag only scores 1 because it’s used across many pages. A tag used only once has a score equivalent to the total number of tags.

    All matching tags have their associated score added to the relevancy score.

  2. The same directories

    Pages with matching root directories have 1 added to the relevancy score. If next directory level also matches, 2 is added and so on.

Pages with the highest relevancy scores can then be shown.

Create a function library #

The following code creates a new lib/hooks.js file containing two functions.

renderstartTagScore() #

This function is used as a processRenderStart event hook which runs once before page rendering starts. It creates a global tacs.tagScore Map object where the key is the normalized tag reference name and the value is its score based on usage. The less a tag is used, the higher its score.


// processRenderStart hook: calculate tacs.tagScore { rel: score } Map
// lesser-used tags have a higher score
export function renderstartTagScore( tacs ) {

  if (!tacs.tagList.length) return;

  // maximum tag count
  const countMax = tacs.tagList[0].count + 1;

  // tag score Map
  tacs.tagScore = new Map();
  tacs.tagList.forEach(t => tacs.tagScore.set(t.ref, countMax - t.count));


prerenderRelated() #

This function is used as a processPreRender event hook which runs for each page before its rendered.

It examines all other pages and assigns them a relevancy score based on matching tags and directories. The post’s data object has a related array appended containing other page data objects which have a relevancy score of as least 1 ordered from highest (most relevant) to lowest (least relevant).


// processPreRender hook: related posts, generated at pre-render time
export function prerenderRelated( data, tacs ) {

  if (!tacs.tagScore || !data.filename || !data.title || !data.isHTML || !data.tags) return;

  const relScore = [];

  // calculate other post relevency scores
  tacs.all.forEach((post, slug) => {

    if (data.slug == slug || !post.filename || !post.title || !post.isHTML || !post.tags) return;

    let score = 0;

    // calculate matching tag scores
    data.tags.forEach(dTag => {
      post.tags.forEach(pTag => {
        if (dTag.ref === pTag.ref) score += tacs.tagScore.get( dTag.ref );

    // calculate matching directory scores
      dDir ='/').filter(d => d),
      pDir ='/').filter(d => d);

    let i = 0;
    while (i >= 0) {

      if (dDir[i] && dDir[i] === pDir[i]) {
        score += i;
      else i = -1;


    // record related
    if (score) relScore.push( { slug, score } );


  // add to related posts sorted by score
  data.related = relScore
    .sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score || - )
    .map(p => tacs.all.get( p.slug ) );


Import the library #

You can import the lib/hooks.js functions into your publican.config.js configuration file and use them in custom event hooks:

publican.config.js excerpt

import { Publican, tacs } from 'publican';
import * as fnHooks from './lib/hooks.js';

const publican = new Publican();

// processRenderStart hook: create tacs.tagScore Map
publican.config.processRenderStart.add( fnHooks.renderstartTagScore );

// processPreRender hook: determine related posts
publican.config.processPreRender.add( fnHooks.prerenderRelated );

// build site

Use in templates #

You can now examine the data.related array in any template. The following example shows up to three posts with the highest relevancy scores.

${ data?.related?.length ? `
  <aside class="related">
    <h2>Related posts</h2>
      ${ data.related
        .map(p => `
          <p><a href="${ }">${ p.title }</a></p>
        .join('') }
` : ''}